The coming months several funding opportunities opened and deadlines are coming up. In this article we focus on: United Kingdom-Germany bilateral, KWF Development, Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) and Innosuisse: Start-up Innovation project.
UK-Germany bilateral: collaborative research and development round two
Enhancing UK and German collaborations and capabilities in the emerging fields of technology in society. The result being, the developing and delivering of new innovations and applications of the technologies across a broad range of other sectors. The activities supported are fundamental research, feasibility studies, industrial research, experimental development.

Funding per project | £750,000 (UK) |
Co-financing | 40% for medium organisation / 30% for small or micro organisation |
TRL | 1-7 |
Project partners required | German and UK SME’s |
Application period | December 6th , 2023 |
Duration of eligible project | 18 to 36 Months |
The project should demonstrate a balanced technological contribution by the participants from both countries and must be equally significant to all participants. In a project with two
cooperating partners, no partner may contribute more than 70% of total person months to the project. In a project with more than two cooperating partners, no partner may contribute more than 50% of total person months. All research organisations involved in the consortium may altogether not contribute more than 50% of the total person months.
German applicants define contribution to the project in person months, rather than monetary costs which is supported by the ZIM programme.
More information about the collaborative UK/DE call
KWF – Kankerbestrijding: 2024-2 Development call
This regular call of the Research & Implementation Program is intended for funding applications within the research phases Creation of modality , Preclinical research , Clinical research and Implementation research. Supported activities are creation of modality, preclinical research, clinical research, Implementation research.

Project funding typically ranges between €500,000 and € 1.500.000, although there is threshold. Research organisation leading the consortium do not require cofunding. SME’s are eligible to join the consortium.
Funding per project | Typically between €500,000 and € 1.500.000 |
TRL | 3-7 |
Project partners required | Research organisation in the lead. Consortium not required but eligible |
Application period | November 7th , 2023 |
Duration of eligible project | Up to 4 years |
More information about the KWF Development call
Innovative Health Initiative (IHI)
IHI calls for proposals represent an opportunity for organisations involved in health research and healthcare to form consortia and apply to be part of cross-sector partnerships that bring together a range of stakeholders to tackle some of the biggest challenges in health research today.

1. IHI – call 4 (two stage application)
Deadline for short proposals: 8 November 2023
Full proposal submission deadline: 23 April 2024
Here you can read several topics for this call:
- Topic 1: Expanding translational knowledge in minipigs: a path to reduce and replace non-human primates in non-clinical safety assessment
- Topic 2: Patient-centric blood sample collection to enable decentralised clinical trials and improve access to healthcare
- Topic 3: Inclusive clinical studies for equitable access to clinical research in Europe
- Topic 4: Establishing novel approaches to improve clinical trials for rare and ultra-rare diseases
- Topic 5: Safe & sustainable by design (SSbD) packaging and single use device solutions for healthcare products
- Topic 6: Sustainable circular development and manufacturing of healthcare products and their quantitative environmental impact assessment
Minimum conditions:
- Only RIA: At least 3 independent legal entities established in a different Member State or Associated Country
- IMPORTANT! 1 legal entity should be established in a Member State
- Page limit: 20 pages for Short Proposal
- First ranked applicant consortium will be invited to prepare and submit a ‘full proposal (FP)’ for the stage 2 evaluation together with the ‘pre-identified industry consortium.’
- Budgets starting at 4.5M.
Two-Stage Calls: Private members and Contributing Partners
- Pre-identified – responsible for the 45% in-kind contribution
- Main drivers of the topic definition
- Identify their in-kind contributions through expertise and assets
- Listed in the topic text (overall contribution and not per partner)
- Not eligible for funding
2. IHI call 5 Single stage RIA application
Deadline January 16, 2024.
Read more about the topics
- Topic 1: Accelerating the implementation of New Approach Methodologies and other innovative non-animal approaches for the development, testing and production of health technologies
- Topic 2: Development and proof of principle of new clinical applications of theranostics solutions
- Topic 3: Improved prediction, detection, and treatment approaches for comprehensive stroke management
- Topic 4: Maximising the potential of synthetic data generation in healthcare applications
Eligibility and requirements are similar to IHI call 4.
Innosuisse: Start-up Innovation project
Innosuisse supports science-based projects of start-ups with significant innovation potential. These innovation projects must be based on application-oriented research and prepare start-ups for entering the market for the first time. In the case of projects, only the start-up is supported. No research partners are supported.

- Funding is available for projects in all subject areas.
- Short application can be submitted any time
- Upcoming deadline for full application is expected mid-January 2024.
- Indicative budget €2-5M
- 30% co-financing
Find more information on the website of Innosuisse.