€6.7m Horizon grant awarded to defining cost effective surveillance strategies and predicting cancer recurrence in esophageal adenocarcinoma patients (ENDEAVOR)
We would like to congratulate ENDEAVOR with the award of a €6.7m Horizon grant for developing cost-effective surveillance approaches, and enhancing predictions of cancer recurrence in patients with early stage esophageal adenocarcinoma!
The ENDEAVOR consortium consists of 13 interdisciplinary partners including over ten medical centers across Europe, with Prof. Sheila Krishnadath from Antwerp University as the project coordinator. The project has received €6.7m funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Mission Cancer programme to perform pragmatic clinical trials on minimally invasive diagnostics.

What is the project about?
Esophageal cancer (EC) is the seventh most common cause of cancer death globally, affecting approximately 600,000 new patients each year. The diagnosis is typically achieved at an advanced stage when the 5-year survival rates are less than 20%. However, when patients are diagnosed early, curative treatment is possible, and survival exceeds 80%. The aim of ENDEAVOR is to implement an innovative risk stratification method for early stage esophageal adenocarcinomas, a subtype of EC associated with Barret’s esophagus and gastroesophageal reflux disease , to direct the treatment and select the subsequent surveillance program, thereby improving the patient’s quality of life and care, as well as assisting clinicians to make better-informed decisions using a patient-centered approach.
How did FFUND help?
The FFUND team was delighted to work with this strong consortium to translate their ideas into a comprehensive project application for the Mission Cancer project call under Horizon Europe. Ivan Ramirez-Moral, senior strategy manager together with his team, worked together to bring this project to a success.
Ramirez-Moral: “As the project lead of the ENDEAVOR project proposal, my role spanned from consortium management to strategic planning and writing the proposal. Coordinating efforts from 13 partners, together with Prof Sheila Krishnadath, we meticulously crafted a strong proposal including an ambitious workplan with extensive clinical work on it. The challenge of harmonizing diverse scientific perspectives within a strong, science-rooted project was very fulfilling. I am honored to have contributed to ENDEAVOR’s success of securing the €6.7 million grant, and I am excited about the results to come.”

Sheila Krishnadath: “It was a pleasure to collaborate with the FFUND team to create a ground breaking proposal together with partners in 9 different EU member states. Ivan Ramirez-Moral proved to be a highly dedicated and flexible person who’s contribution very helpful to understand and finalize many difficult matters required for a successful EU Horizon grant application.”